144 projects with the selected classifier
A Python utility that converts images to audio.
Media I/O with FFmpeg and NumPy array
Sync FLAC music files to Ogg Vorbis (or keep lossy as-is)
Convert your music library on-the-fly!
Supports async / await pattern for FFmpeg operations.
ffmpegio plugin to download and use the latest FFmpeg release
CUE sheet Splitter, based on shntool and cuetools libraries.
Load audio file to numpy array
Collection of tools to handle MIDI sysex and other files for the Yamaha SY85
Extracts samples from various music tracker module formats
Audio processing framework for the web
Natural Language User Interface
Get progress information for an ffmpeg process.
Tools for working with SMW Music
MusicXML to Flipper Music Format
GUI File Format Converter
Recompress Audio
Download YouTube videos fast, directly from the command line
A wrapper around ffmpeg to make it work in a concurrent and memory-buffered fashion.
Python CLI program that converts directories of audio files to opus using ffmpeg
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