112 projects with the selected classifier
The Pyramid Web Framework, a Pylons project
The descusr web application development framework, a Pylons project
Zope Config Markup Language support for Pyramid
A view for pyramid that functions as an OpenID consumer.
LMS theme for Kotti
Pyramid plugin for HTTP Basic access authentication
Add a calendar to your Kotti site
Add a simple blog to your Kotti site
Pyramid Request Parameter Validation
PDF content type for Kotti
Alert content type for Kotti
A tween which renders a badge on the page indicating the version.
A library for deferring decorator actions
Add an image gallery to your Kotti site
Added external links to Sphinx project as :l:`name of link`.
Pyramid tween to generate a callgraph image for every request
Django admin unisender integration
Quiz Content Type for Kotti
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