63 projects with the selected classifier
PyBB Modified. Django forum application
Django CMS articles management plugin
Admin UI customization for Django
A simple terminal viewer for Reddit (Terminal UI for Reddit)
Table Plugin for django CMS, fork from divio with python 3 and django 1.7 migrations support
A terminal based reddit viewer.
Video plugin for django CMS
News extension for Silva 2.x.
Column Plugin for django CMS
Accordion Plugin for django CMS
Plugin for aldryn to include awesome animations from WOW.js and Animate.css
Yet another Django Forum App
Collective Intelligence platform
SCT (Sphene Community Tools) is a collection of Django applications for communities. It currently consists of a Forum and Wiki application which are applicable for communities, support forums, blogs, etc.
A Universal, Styled Link Plugin for django CMS
PyBB modified. Django forum application
Gist Plugin for django CMS
DjangoCMS plugin to write equations, utilizing KaTeX
Simple subclass wrapper around `threading.Thread` to get the return value from a thread in python. Exact same interface as `threading.Thread`! 🌟 Star this repo if you found it useful! 🌟
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