10,000+ projects with the selected classifier
A command line tool for exporting ororo.tv dictionary to lingualeo
An OpenGL framework for pointcloud and mesh rendering
Python Table Data Type with some SQL-like operations.
Post-processes VASP outputs
DB-API interface to Microsoft SQL Server for Python. (new Cython-based version)
Help! mobile
RQAlpha Mod ShipanE to support stock real time trading
Notebook and assistant.
Sequential model-based optimization toolbox.
BOSE SoundTouch API Python3 Library
Convert hanzi to pinyin
Asymmetric key based authentication for HTTP APIs
A Conversion package of Weights,Volumes,Currencys,Temperatures,Areas
computer vision toolbox for analyzing movement kinematics from video
Fast job queuing and RPC in Python with asyncio and Redis
Tools to push content to HAL repo
Extended 'namedtuple' by default values.
PyScaffold extension to create a custom PyScaffold extension
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