499 projects with the selected classifier
An automated, modular cryptanalysis framework (i.e. a Weapon of Math Destruction)
A tool to easily create informative genomic feature plots
Integrate a front-end webapp and build process into Django and include a new runwebapp command.
Python webserver intended for use with Mozilla testing
Shared API definitions for an online exercise system
Next generation forms in javascript
Templates for Salut à Toi XMPP client
Minifies and bundles JS and CSS files included with bowerstatic.
Some testing utilities used by other j5 projects.
Generates dynamic bindings for module imports
A fully functioned Focused Web Crawler using Genetic Algorithm
Color Picker Widget
An easy lightweight web framework by python.
A highly configurable toolkit for training 3d/2d CNNs and general Neural Networks
An XBMC IR Remote Control protocol using Arduino
Code that graphs code
A pythonic coroutine-based concurrent programming framework inspired by Kamaelia.
Robot Framework library for driving CNC mill
Torfy - A set of GPLv3+ libraries to deal with Tor connections.
A client to sascar soap web service.
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