53 projects with the selected classifier
KJV Audio Bible
Jewish calendar calculations
Tools for converting Bibles from USFM to OSIS XML
WIP Pluralcode library
encoding scheme for converting between small integers and names which would be appropriate for 260-foot tall, giant-monster-punching robots
Convert Gregorian dates to Debian Regnal dates
Bible Organisational System — load, check, and/or export Bible files/folders
A package for dealing with toki pona: vim syntax highlighting, tokipona wordnets, analysis of the vocabulary, synthesis of texts
Converts between Gregorian dates and other calendar systems
Open source Church presentation and lyrics projection application.
A package for handling references to Bible books, verses and verse-ranges.
Processor for Linguistic Annotation Framework ISO 24612:2012), applied to Biblical Hebrew
THE millipede generator
Simple numerology tool to have fun with your friends.
The only Finite State Machine library with a Flying Spaghetti Monster serialization format
metasyntactic - Themed metasyntactic variables names
Salat time calculator
Music scale generator - the only limit is your imagination
Python extension to the Swiss Ephemeris
Pascha (Easter) Computation Utility Library
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