315 projects with the selected classifier
SHDLC Driver for Sensirion SPS30
Python library for managing beagleboard hardware I/O
Module used to manage the computational unit.
Driver to launch a node that can sync cache database with master database.
Driver for the 8x8 RPI-RGB-LED-Matrix based on the 74HC595 chip.
Pololu Maestro USB SDK in pure Python
Python module to use the SPI bus to read DHT11/DHT22 sensors.
Реализация драйвера семейства ККМ "Штрих" на Python.
Python bindings for the Nordic pc-ble-driver SoftDevice serialization library
Python tool for interfacing the CEM DT-174B Weather Datalogger that is talking on USB by some specific protocol.
A Matplotlib.Figure fork with real-time plot streaming features.
A python module to enable a Raspberry Pi to access an LSM9DS1 IMU sensor.
Python 3 version of Nordic Semiconductor nrfutil utility and Python library (modified by Adafruit)
USBMonitor is an easy-to-use cross-platform library for USB device monitoring that simplifies tracking of connections, disconnections, and examination of connected device attributes on both Windows and Linux, freeing the user from platform-specific details or incompatibilities.
Library for FT232R controlled relay boards
Control shift register on rasperypi using gpiozero library
Easy-to-use Modbus RTU and Modbus ASCII implementation for Python
Python driver for the Microchip MCP2221/MCP2221A USB 2.0 to I2C/UART protocol converters.
Python driver for MCP2221/A
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