20 projects with the selected classifier
JQueryUI ready for Plone
Default product for the Zope Content Management Framework
Plone Souper Integration: Container for many lightweight queryable Records
Zope2 integration of z3c.taskqueue
Zope index to query a daterange on objects with a daterange
Zope product for making SPARQL queries, simiar to ZSQLMethod
Framework for handling LDAP style password hashes.
A general logging facility
EEA Faceted Navigation extension that allow a faceted navigable object to inherit faceted configuration from another faceted navigable object.
Acquisition is a mechanism that allows objects to obtain attributes from the containment hierarchy they're in.
LDAP/AD Plugin for Plone/Zope PluggableAuthService (users+groups)
Tools to debug a ZODB.
Configure a Data source name for Zope
Plone Integration with YAFOWIL
Produce & Publisher Plone Client Connector
Generic METAL macros for input fields
Uses webhooks to post messages into a slack channel.
bdajax integration for Plone.
GELF (Graylog Extended Log Format) for Zope
zodbupdate aliases
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