207 projects with the selected classifier
HydroMT dashboard: A dashboard interface to the HydroMT environment
Python wrapper for ASF's SearchAPI
HydroEval: An Evaluator for Streamflow Time Series In Python
diag-eff: Diagnostic Efficiency
ESMValTool sample data
A Python package to find the centerline and width of rivers based on the latitude and longitude of the right and left bank
Suite of tools for retrieving USGS NWIS observations and evaluating National Water Model (NWM) data.
Small utility for fetching, and manipulating Sea Level Rise Projections from various sources for engineering calculations
wflow hydrological modeling framework
A Python package for running and validating a hydrology model
Sea state observational data retrieval
Very simple, point-scale soil hydrology model
Access daily, monthly, and annual climate data via the Daymet web service.
Combining of tidal components to time series
Wetting front analysis tool
HydroMT: Automated and reproducible model building and analysis.
pyGSFLOW is a python package to create, run, and post-process GSFLOW-based models
a Python package for the generation of MODFLOW-CFP specific input files (.cfp, .crch, .coc). CFPy is the FloPy-equivalent package for MODFLOW-CFP.
Utilities for manipulating geospatial, (Geo)JSON, and (Geo)TIFF data.
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