137 projects with the selected classifier
Enables Trac to be used for managing your ticket backlog.
Tema de ejemplo (Trac)
Trac notifications in Mattermost
Enhanced control over the navigation bars.
Include the contents of external URLs and other Trac objects in a wiki page.
Utility functions for managing Trac instances
Trac Plugin to allow email notification of changes on wiki pages
Provide a modular interface to styling Trac
Trac syntax colorer using Pygments
A trac plugin that lets you control which groups and users can view a report.
Removes the specified Trac user and all tickets they created
Trac authentication plugin for integration with hosted Google Apps domain
Plugin to generate Google Sitemaps (version for Trac 0.11)
Provides support for ticket cross reference for Trac
Safely embed various movies into wiki pages
A macro to include diagrams from PlantUML
tooltip help for ticket fields
Adds XMLRPC-based check from ticket entry page for potential duplicate tickets.
A Trac plugin to display tickets in a tree, organized based on structured ticket titles.
Integrate blockdiag series into Trac wiki
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