133 projects with the selected classifiers
Sphinx extension to show tooltips with content embedded when hover a reference.
A collection of tools for software artists
Sphinx domain and autodoc for Antlr4 grammars
C++ Documentation generator.
Sphinx plugin which renders a OpenAPI specification with Swagger
Extension to include jQuery on newer Sphinx releases
Documenting CLI programs
A workflow for creating and editing publication ready scientific reports, from one or more Jupyter Notebooks
Sphinx directive to add unselectable prompt
sphinxext-altair: Sphinx extension for embedding Altair charts
Auto generate docs for typer commands.
Modified Sphinx "napoleon" extension.
sphinxcontrib-qthelp is a sphinx extension which outputs QtHelp documents
Fix the Sphinx to enable any order to sort indices(using domain feature)
Tabbed views for Sphinx
sphinxcontrib-serializinghtml is a sphinx extension which outputs "serialized" HTML files (json and pickle)
Tools for adding metadata and hyperlinks to reStructuredText
Sphinx extension to provide data obtained from "git log" in the Sphinx page rendering context.
MyST-NB-Bokeh includes functions for gluing and pasting Bokeh figures in MyST documents.
Dark mode for the Sphinx Read the Docs theme.
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